
╰┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ basics ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╮

  name   Ciren En-Faea
  aliases   Swallowtail, Meyhali, She of Light, Shaded Lily (reserved), Sirena Bella, etc.
  age   24 summers.
  birthday   6th umbral moon, 23rd day.
  ethnicity   Hannish, Raen.
  languages   Hannish, Common, Sign, Broken Doman/Hingan/Yanxian.
  race   Au Ra.
  gender   Cis-female.
  pronouns   She/Her.
  family   Ume Nanotari (surrogate mother), Mizuki Sui (surrogate mother).
  occupation   Wandering Performer/Healer for the Westwind Sales Marketing and Logistics Free Company
  home   Thanalan, Goblet.

╰┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ appearance ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╮

  haircolor   Raven black.
  eyecolor   Pale eyes, cloudy.
  notable features   Mermaid scales, claws, lily pin.
  piercing   Tail and Horn adornments.
  scars   N/A.
  fashion   Flowy attires for performing, often barefoot or with heeled boots. Things with many adornments.
  body shape   round, a bit lithe, muscles primarily in the legs.
  height   rude.
  way of walking   walking in elegant strides, almost in a rhythm.
  way of speech   softspoken, melodic, many pauses in between.
  voice claim   Violet Evergarden

╰┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ love ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╮

  sexual orientation   Demiromantic-pansexual.
  preference   None applicable.
  relationship status   Single.
  interested in   Platonic relations ,serious dates, etc.
  romance   Currently pining for one Shiraban Qerel.
  love language   Acts of Service.

“And when you dive into the blue,
I'll be there next to you.
I never want to miss a thing,
We fall in love again.
You know I may hold onto June,
But all that you go through, I'm with you."

- Alan Walker, Who I am



"I hope one day I get to fly, just as Maa wishes me to."

She was born with her wings clipped at birth, given solace in the form of a lily hairpin. And a friend she knew as her Entwined. Ciren En-Faea was born in the streets of Radz-at-Han by her mother, Alarune. Her mother had fled a nomadic tribe in order to find a space to take care of her only daughter. Pale unseeing eyes opened to the world for the first time on her nameday, and her mother was given a prophecy by a starseer. "Against everything, thou love always." From there she was trained on how to navigate her surroundings and train her aether. She spent her days amongst her newfound family in Troupe Kaghana, a performance troupe in Radz-at-Han. Dance and song was something engrained in her mind as soon as she was old enough to sit, along with healing from her birth mother. The Raen was taught early on about nature, and how her aether could be a boon rather than a bane. Amongst her troupe family, she would observe in sounds and sensations how they played music and danced, often tapping the ground to feel the vibrations as the sounds graced her horns. She wanted to be a performer just like the rest of them..

Teenage years

And so the butterfly she loved rotted before her eyes.

Until one fateful day...Her mother collapsed on stage one; an evident episode of her condition. For those with her name were cursed to have too much aether, a blessing unto others in healing but damnation upon the soul. Ciren and her mother withdrew from the troupe, and during the Final Days, Ciren was locked inside while Alarune donned her conjury staff to heal the people. That fateful day.. she died. Filled with grief, she wandered, going to Garlemald for six moons to help the populace, before being set for Eorzea and reunited with a family friend; whom she now calls her mother. Now, she has a new family in the form of the Westwind Free Company, and she has sworn that she will protect it with her life. Even as ties to her past conjury tribe wished to chain her down, she broke free and reforged her wings. The one thing she took was a title; Meyhali. That day, she vowed will be the Meyhali her loved ones need her to be.

Present Day

"A pupa only flies upon the wings built from the past."

And with newfound wings and hearts aligned, did she soar.With the Jivandan ceasing to be, the Raen would continue to be with her free company. In doing so, she opened a garden to continue her practices in the healing artes and take up the hobby of herbalism and botany. Troupe Kaghana was reformed within the halls of the Westwind, and she would take upon the mantle as the head of their Overland Logistics branch. Her gardens, the Kadjaya's Spirit, is her primary base of operations. However, her wandering did not cease, as she would take upon her mother's old performance mantle: 'Swallowtail', and wander and perform for the people. However, within her heart there is a confliction of her faith. The Jivandan is gone, but within her mind the fortune told to her mother by the starseer continues to plague her mind.Against everything, thou love always.


  mbti   INFJ-T.
  alignment   True Neutral.

"Patience is a virtue, discipline is a way of life. To live, one must have the discipline to weather the storms and the patience to watch the world grow after cataclysms pass."

  personality  In terms of personality, Ciren is an overall neutral character; believing in the ideology that nature will take it's course. Rarely does she take a life herself, though usually it is either herself Entwined or her confidants that will do the deed for her. When she does take a life, it is in the name of preserving the balance and those she loves. At face value, she is quiet, one content to observe conversation before joining as her curious nature soaks in how people behave. However, do not let her silence fool you in that she is complacent with what goes on around her. If and when she does speak up, the Raen will often speak in a way that is both simplistic and utterly confusing.Coupled with her ever expanding Common-Eorzean language, she is often seen as aloof and distant behind those curious pale eyes. The girl is quite humble, monikering herself as a 'mere performer' when what she truly does is perform both on the stage and within public relations. Her work often finds herself either travelling to perform under the stage name 'Swallowtail', or residing within the Kadjaya's Spirit; a garden of both blooms and a veritable amount of knowledge.Many often find her to be a woman wholly to her faith; the faith of the cycles, the Manusya, and by extension the All-Seeing Eye that hangs at the entrance of Radz-at-Han. That can easily tie into how she converses with people, often listening quietly and somehow making every instance she speaks somehow tie into her beliefs; as well as how she uses her abilities to heal others.Yet deep down, she is proof that nature is as calm as it is callous; a woman forced to grow early too quickly upon the star. Her mannerisms paint her as an elder soul that has understood too much in her very short life. Everything returns to the star at some point, and she is painfully acceptant of the burden of her blood and her name.

"Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness, yet can still become something beautiful."

Good traits
❧ open-minded
❧ disciplined
❧ knowledgeable

Neutral traits
❧ soft-spoken
❧ observant
❧ aloof

bad traits
❧ self-sacrificial
❧ reckless selfnessness
❧ blunt

stories, preparedness, performance, curry, her cat Brisket, her found family, loyalty, sweets, nature.

cold climates, underpreparedness, disloyalty, those who go against the natural order, arrogance.

cooking, apothecary work, singing, dancing, wandering the star.




The self is


in it's mutlifaceted nature.

  Aether(sense)   Ciren's aether is wholly unaspected, leaving it to be a pale blue color. however, due to En's presence, it does appear to have a layer of sanguine. Blooming and receding; a show of their protection and devotion. Ciren (and by extension En) has a heightened sensitivity to aether, inherited from her mother. She does not tap into her aethersight unless asked, as it can overwhelm her. With her raw potency, she has the ability to attune to aether in others in an attempt to soothe them, but it can have rammifications depending on circumstance..

  Healing Artes   Ciren's primary arsenal involves conjury, of which she learned from her mother. those with keen senses can see it take the shape of butterflies to help her navigate, as well as rushing water. Her healing is both the traditional conjury, and the spiritual, which is tied within her aethersense. Ciren is also proficient in alchemy, namely medicinal alchemy. Be it salves and tonics to ease wounds and pain, or antidotes for poisons, she is your go to. Though, it makes her quite insistent to heal herself when she is injured.

  Voice   Patience is a virtue, Discipline is a way of life. A calming aura that bleeds into the ephemeral song of voice, almost as if suggesting. Her aether will wrap around words she will speak and is usually used out of sincere intent such as telling someone to "rest" or "relax". It is as if she is acting as someone's inner discipline, however she knows the repercussions if she uses this ability frivolously, so she often does not. Mayhaps that is how she garners so much attention as the Swallowtail, or mayhaps there's something more to her.

  Botany   Ciren is an avant botanist, opening a place within Thanalan known as the Kadjaya's Spirit. It is there where she grows a myriad of the herbs and blooms she uses in her salves, tonics, and antidotes. From the native species within Eorzea to the more exotic plants of the Cieldalaes, her love of it is so vast that oftentimes her words are laced with talks of blooms and spiritual growth. If you are in need of a botanist's wisdom or of blooms that need to be procured, she is happy to provide both.

  Performer   Ciren was raised in a Hannish performance troupe in her youth and as such has performed on her travels. You may have come across a dancer with the moniker of 'Swallowtail'. She will perform if asked, though she can be quite shy about it. She is able to do thus in combat, and her dances and singing voice have been known to boost morale for her allies. However, her prowess has garnered the attention of those within shadowy backgrounds in the past. Maybe it might grab yours?

  Informant   While the Kadjaya's Spirit is a garden of blooms, it is also a haven of information. Ciren, with her free company, works in overland logistics and is often one who has connections in various places. Her company dabbles in relief for peoples in need, and it has led her privy in many things. When she picks up on things, she will remain silent on them until asked. That being said, this wallflower knows knowledge comes with a price; and that goes both ways. The question is: is the price worth it?


;༊ out of character

  alias   bumblebri | bri (they/she)

  age   21+

  timezone   CDT|EDT (UTC- 5|6)

About the Mun.

  Welcome   Hi! Thanks for looking at my silly little carrd for my silly little blorbos.My name is Bri, and at the time of writing this I am undergoing my masters program in speech language pathology. I am a sucker for cozy games, horror, gardening, and of course butterflies. If you ever want to reach me my socials are @theshadedlily on both twitter and bluesky; while my discord handle is bumblebri.

please read the guidelines before roleplaying with me!

;༊ guidelines


Everyone has their preferences, here's mine.

;༊ I really enjoy brainstorming lore with friends, and exploring long-term RP scenarios.
;༊ Something in my carrd spark your eye? Please communicate with me about it. I'm happy to help provide an 'in' for RP.
;༊ My writing varies depending on the partner but I tend to gravitate towards para-rp with morally-grey undertones and symbolism.
;༊ I have a preference for in-game RP but I am able to accomodate to discord should there be schedule conflicts.

;༊ Do not be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. Exhibit any of these and you are getting the boot.
;༊ I am the firm belief that all stories deserve a voice; but do not step on my character to further a narrative. IC =/= OOC.
;༊ Ciren is not made to be used in ERP scenarios. Don't be weird towards my character or myself.
;༊ I have a busy schedule outside of RP, however do not guilt trip me into RPing with you.



From within the life now split, within the newfound pin did the existence stir. It too, cooed and wailed as newborn as it was, though not in the normal sense. From within, a myriad of possibilities seem to converge into one. the half-life can sense its other half, how calm the daughter was. it exists but just like on the outside..through her it lives.Just as on the outside, through it she lives. It is alive, yes? A name, it needed a name, for all living people need names do they not? Muffled voices can be heard from outside, a man and a woman, and it was hard to pinpoint the words. Though, as it focused harder it could hear something, an utterance. “En-faea.” the muffled musings of a woman spoke as it broke through the suffocating silence. En-faea? Ah, nay, the half-life knows exactly what the name will be. Like a chorus of agreement, the blooming of emotions rang through its heart- their heart.
En. they will be En.


Ciren's "self-entwined", as she has dubbed them. They do not come out often, only when they are called or when Ciren is hurt. Those with aethersense can see sanguine within the girl's aether, a symbolism of their presence. Be careful when speaking their name, for it may be an invitation.

  Name | Pronouns   En"twined" Faea. (they/them) , "Thorns", Sanguine Witch
  Personality   Violent, inherently prickly, distrustful.
  Classes   RDM | RPR | AST

  !   Note that Entwined is not an Esteem plotline nor a voidsent. Their creation is vague because it is something to learn. Their personality is callous, and I as the mun will often check in on my RP partner.

"We? We Are En."
"Every bloom has it's rotten roots, some just learn to embrace them. Now come, step into Our garden."